Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Epic OA简单的面筋,顺便求refer,求支招

发信人: YogaFrog (YogaFrog), 信区: JobHunting
标  题: Epic OA简单的面筋,顺便求refer,求支招
关键字: Epic OA 面筋
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 25 13:30:56 2015, 美东)


最近电面了三家公司(除了Epic),一家聊得挺好的,tech manager也挺满意的样子(或
许是我的错觉),可是电面第二轮都过了两周了还没有消息。是不是可以move on了?

意收本科non-CS的fresh grad的公司名字吧。先谢谢啦!
Section1(IQ):10个题,都不难,我做到第九个答案算出来没来得输入就time up了
Section2 (Math): 20 题,时间不限制,都挺容易的,有些有小trick,我当时不知道
分做完赶紧move on到下一个section.
Section3(MIIS): 学习一种新的语言,非常简单,就是这种语言有自己的定义String
variables的方法,可以把以数字开头的String variables convert into numeric
variables,然后就可以用来做math problem. 值得提醒的是这些题是环环相扣的,基本
Section4(Coding): 基本上都是Array, List,Hash这类的,没有tree, graph这些比较
难的,可能我没碰到。但是因为题量多,基本上到后来有些exhausting, 第一次做OA,
1. There are two coins which is 55 cents in total, one is not a nickel. What
are these two coins?
2. Banana's price is 30 cent each, apple's price is 40 cent each, xx's price
is 55 cent each. What is pear's price?
3. A goat can climb 3 feet and drop 2 feet in a min, how long does it take
to climb a 70.5 feet cliff?
4. There are 46 offices between A and B, A can pass 5 offices each min, B
can pass 10 offices each min, which office do they meet? 
5. A company has a 50,000 check and 500 cash:
1): They bought 40 stamps which is 0.32 each and paid by cash.
2): They bought 2 computers, each is 2100$. 1/10 is paid by check, 1/15 is
paid by cash.
3): They also paid weekly salary for 4 employees who earn 26,000 annually(52
weeks a year).
Q1: how much cash left?
Q2: how much money in the check left?
7. A magic tree can double its height daily, it turn into 80 feet on day 10,
what is it height on day 5?
Coding 题目有:
1:给一个String是一句话,找出以每个word首字母开头的words个数。eg: my mom is
the most important person for me. m=4, i=2, t=1, p=1, f=1;

2. Two players(Red and Black)在一个N*N的matrix里面找three consecutive same
sequence(3个相同的数字), once they find one, they earn one point. Show
which team would win the game.

3. 给一个String,do permutation for the lowercase char in the string(只有小

4. 给几个大写字母,A -> 1; B -> 12; C -> 224; D -> a number? can't remember;
E -> 1220; F -> 2400;
G -> 12,280
每个字母对应的数字sum up要比之前的大,不然就是subtract。输出所有符合条件的
subsequence还是sum up来着,具体记不太清楚了。


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