Thursday, October 1, 2015

求助: EB1A直接PP后遭RFE by NSC 0214

发信人: zyysara (zyysara), 信区: Immigration
标  题: 求助: EB1A直接PP后遭RFE by NSC 0214
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct  1 19:06:40 2015, 美东)

今天刚收到律师通知得到NSC两大杀手之一 0214的RFE。 肯定了authorship和审稿,但
是质疑contribution. 说是我这个领域very top researchers有上千引用。如果各位能
Evidence of the beneficiary’s original scientific, scholarly, artistic,
athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance in the
You submitted letters of support and a list of your publications with
associated citations in Google Scholar. But your citatory history, while
evincing original contributions in the field, does not demonstrate
contributions of major significance, especially in a field whose very top
researchers have garnered citations well into the thousands. To assist in
determining whether your contributions are original and of major
significance in the field, you may submit:
・Objective documentary evidence of the significance of your contributions
in the field.
・Documentary evidence that people throughout the field currently consider
your work important.
・Testimony and/or support letters from experts that discuss your
contributions of major significance.
・Evidence that your working is being implemented by others. Possible
evidence may include, but is not limited to:
・Contracts with companies using your products;
・Licensed technology being used by others;
・Patents currently being utilized and shown to be significant to the field.
Note: Letters and testimonies, if submitted, must provide as much detail as
possible about your contributions and must explain in detail how the
contributions are original (not merely replicating the work of others) and
how they were of major significance. General statements regarding the
importance of the endeavors that are not supported by documentary evidence
are insufficient.
说一下我的背景。环境工程,美国PhD, 现在在加拿大博后。提交申请时文章28 (11中
,17英),至少三分之一是第一作者,会议6,中国专利2。 审稿47 篇五十几次。
Google scholar引用189. 当时也提供了一些网页媒体报道sciencedaily之类, 几个教
授也在review 文章中对工作的赞许,瑞士FDA的人问我寻求文章中技术细节帮助的邮件
能不能找到人帮忙。被0214 RFE有通过的概率能有多少呢?

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