Tuesday, January 26, 2016

T 家选组求推荐


发信人: superwangxp (super), 信区: JobHunting
标  题: T 家选组求推荐
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 26 12:30:30 2016, 美东)

主要想选 Platform engineering, 和 TellApart,不知道有没有什么建议?

BLUEBIRD / The Bluebird team creates new, bold user experiences for Twitter
- specifically Twitter for iOS, Twitter for Android,and Twitter.com. We’re
constantly thinking about tweets, timelines, and all the diferent ways
people use Twitter. We build theback end services and the front end
experiences that drive the Twitter experience.

BUSINESSES LOVE TWITTER / We create products and services which help
businesses love Twitter, by enabling them toconnect with their target
audiences and existing customers, convert users into enthusiasts, fans, and
customers, and care fortheir customers. Some of the responsibilities are:
data licensing and streaming API products, end-to-end business experience(
business profiles, analytics, and commerce), and owning our Promoted
Products (sales tools, campaign management, adformats, and targeting). BLT
is also responsible for our of-platform advertising products.

ENGINEERING EFFECTIVENESS / Ensure Twitter’s engineers have the tools,
skills, and processes they need to build highquality software, deliver it
quickly, and have fun doing it. We want to help every team work as
efectively as the best team atTwitter

PLATFORM ENGINEERING / Build the scalable infrastructure platform that
enable the rest of Twitter engineering as well as3rd party developers to
iterate quickly. Focus on the services and the frameworks that make the rest
of Twitter engineeringsuccessful, and expose the breadth of our platform to
3rd parties that wish to integrate with us.

SCIENCE / Twitter Science comprises groups focused on machine learning, deep
learning, semantic analysis, Data Science,and experimentation. We apply
cutting-edge methods to understand Twitter users, products, and content. We
build newcapabilities to bring real-time, media-aware understanding of
content and user interests into Twitter products, running coreservices that
operate across the full scale of Twitter. We bring the latest advances
across academia and industry use back intocore Twitter infrastructure.

SECURITY / The Security team works across Twitter applications, systems,
infrastructure, and cloud to ensure we buildrobust systems and protect user
data. Our team works on shipping secure code to harden Twitter.com and our
applications,investigating suspicious activity against our network and
products, developing secure approaches to our servers andendpoints, handling
events from the public research community, and more. Join us and work on
securing one of the largest realtime systems. You’ll face secuirty
challenges and scale that are matched by few other opportunities.

TELLAPART / Direct response advertising is a major growth engine for Twitter
’s business and our acquisition of TellAparthas not only helped us
accelerate through this year’s planned trajectory, it’s also increased the
Y-axis of our revenue as well.Whether it’s scaling real-time big data
systems, integrating planet-scale data into our ML models, bringing
innovative productsto market, hacking cutting-edge technology, contributing
to the open source community and/or lots of other fun projectswe’d have to

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