Monday, February 27, 2017


发信人: mitbbsmarket (餐厅服务员), 信区: JobMarket
标  题: 武汉理工大学首届国际青年学者论坛诚邀海内外青年才俊
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 27 03:59:25 2017, 美东)

Wuhan University of Technology sincerely invite young talents from home and abroad to the First WUT International Young Scholars Forum

I. Introduction
WUT International Forum for Young Scholars aims at gathering outstanding scholars from home and abroad in Wuhan―the River City to promote exchange between talented young scholars and cooperation between different fields of research and actively push forward the strategy of constructing the world first-class disciplines and a world first-class university.

1. 年龄不超过40周岁,具有国内外知名大学博士学位,并有连续2年及以上的海外科研工作经历,在海外知名高校、科研机构、知名企业研发机构有正式教学或科研职位的优秀青年学者。
2. 青年千人、万人计划青年拔尖人才、青年长江学者、国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金获得者等,或申报上述四类人才项目进入会评者。
3. 全球高被引科学家(汤森路透发布)、高被引学者(爱思唯尔)。
4. 世界排名前100名大学的海内外优秀博士(后),年龄不超过35周岁,且以第一作者或通讯作者身份在本学科国际公认的顶级期刊发表学术论文5篇及以上或在Science, Nature, Cell 发表论文。
II. Basic Qualifications (Meet one of the following four)
1. Outstanding young scholars under the age of 40, shall possess a PHD degree granted by prestigious universities at home and abroad, have at least two years’ work experience abroad (those who possessed a PHD degree from abroad with exceptional academic achievements may be exempt from the work experience requirement), and hold formal teaching and researching positions in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises.
2. Selected ones of National One Thousand Youth Talents Program, National Support Program for Top-notch Young Talents, Cheung Kong Youth Scholars Program, Excellent young scientist fund of NSFC,Candidate entering the  review meeting of One Thousand Youth Talents Program.
3. Highly Cited Researchers (released by Thomson Reuters) or Most Cited Chinese Researchers(Elsevier).
4. Applicants have obtained doctorate degree(s) or have Postdoctoral experience in world Top 100 universities, Age preference is 35 or under, published at least 5 academic papers in top international recognized journals as the first author or corresponding Author Or published academic papers on Science, Nature or Cell.

III. Disciplines for Academic Positions
Materials Science and Engineering, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology, Communication and Transportation Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Rural and urban planning, Power engineering and engineering Thermophysics, Mineral Engineering, Safety Science and Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering, Electronics Science and Technology, Computer Science and Technology, Software Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Master of Electrical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Science, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Bio-medical Engineering, Mechanics, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Management Science and Engineering, Science of Business Administration, Applied Economics, Theoretical Economics, Design Science, Arts science theory, Fine Arts, Foreign Languages and Literature, Science of Law, Journalism and Communication, Philosophy, Politics, Marxist Theory, History of Modern China, Education Science, Public Administration, Physical Education.

1. 符合条件的青年学者请下载并填写《武汉理工大学国际青年学者论坛报名表》(见附件),也可从以下地址下载表格:
2. 报名表和个人简历请发至邮箱[email protected]