Thursday, March 23, 2017


发信人: HiYou (假装在美国), 信区: USANews
标  题: Trump医保语录
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 23 17:09:58 2017, 美东)


Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated.

Nobody knows more about healthcare than me. Nobody. I have, there are, I
have friends, they come to me, they come to me and say 'Don, how do you know
so much about healthcare?' I just tell them, I'm good at things easily. Don
't even need to practice them, I am good from the very start. That's why
this bill is going to pass.

"We also inherited a failed health care law that threatens our medical
system with absolute and total catastrophe. Now, I've been watching and
nobody says it, but Obamacare doesn't work, folks. I could say, I could talk
. And now people are starting to develop a little ― but the people that you
're watching, they're not you. They're largely, many of them are the side
that lost. They lost the election. It's like, how many elections do we have
to have? They lost the election.

But I always say Obamacare doesn't work, and these same people two years ago
and a year ago were complaining about Obamacare. And the bottom line, we're
changing it. We're going to make it much better, we're going to make it
less expensive, we're going to make it much better."

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